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How is TRIQ different from other triathlon apps?

TRIQ stands out from other triathlon apps in far-reaching ways:

1. Groundbreaking Triple Sport Combination: Our app dynamically calculates training and recovery needed for all three triathlon disciplines. Setting it apart even further, TRIQ fully incorporates swim training and its physical effects in a way that no other app has done.

2. Super Individualized Planning: TRIQ takes into account the athlete's daily availability regarding time AND possible sport(s) on that day, as well as many more individual parameters.

3. Multi-Dimensional Recovery Concept: Our app features a distinctive recovery system that measures recovery needed on multiple levels, avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach and providing a nuanced understanding of the body's needs regarding stress placed on joints, muscles and cardiovascular system.

4. Historical Training Data Integration: TRIQ factors in the athlete's training history when scheduling future sessions, ensuring a progressive and tailored approach to their development.

5. Made by Coaches: Unlike other apps that market via endorsements from well-known triathletes, TRIQ has been built and evaluated thoroughly by experienced coaches. Our commitment is to deliver quality, coach-approved training rather than marketing hype.

How does the TRIQ app work?

Simply set up our app by connecting your GARMIN® Connect account, entering your triathlon race goal* and answer a few questions. From there, TRIQ automatically recommends training sessions for all three triathlon sports and strength & conditioning trainings to help prepare you for your race and connects the dots between your training, your recovery, and your daily availability to train.Once planned, the workout recommendations (except strength & conditioning) are pushed to the Garmin® cloud and further to your training device if set up correctly.

After your training sessions are recorded, your data automatically uploads to Garmin® cloud and pushed back to TRIQ. Based on executed and synced workout information TRIQ compares its recommendations with real executed data from the athlete and undergoes an assessment about the upcoming training week and makes adaptions if applicable.If you change planning parameters e.g availability, goal information, etc. plan adaptions will also take place.

* currently TRIQ covers 4 triathlon race distances – Sprint, Olympic, half IM (70.3), IM

How does the engine behind the TRIQ app work?

What sets TRIQ apart from most other apps is its fully automated training planning. Our system generates swim, bike, and run workouts individually from scratch and then integrates them cohesively throughout the week, considering various factors such as availability but above all, the planer looks that we have a balanced fatigue level. If any aspect changes, the system automatically evaluates if a more optimal plan exists and offers it to the athlete, ensuring they always train with the best option available.

What makes TRIQ’s fatigue & recovery concept so revolutionary?

The fatigue & recovery logic employed by TRIQ models nature as close as possible by not differentiating in sport modalities but rather differentiating in the fatigue & strain those sports causing on the human body. Additionally, we distinguish the human body into its relevant physiological components, moving away from viewing it as a singular system.We distinctly recognize the cardiovascular system, the muscle and joint system. It enables us to cater to the diverse physiological regeneration characteristics of each component. For example, the cardiovascular system tends to regenerate faster than the orthopedic joint system in the human body.

This innovative approach allows us in a physiologically accurate manner to combine various sports (all acting on the same body - you only have 1 body). Based on this complex model, TRIQ has the potential to even incorporate complementary activities like rowing or cross-country skiing soon.

Are TRIQ’S training recommendations based on a specific triathlon training philosophy?

TRIQ’s training engine was created in collaboration with sisu-training, owned by Mario Schmidt-Wendling. His philosophy and 20 years of triathlon coaching and scientific insights have shaped numerous aspects of how TRIQ creates training recommendations. Thus, at TRIQ we emphasize realistic goal setting and prioritize enabling continuous training without injury, as this is the main differentiator when it comes to reaching personal endurance sports goals. Instead of pushing age-group triathletes into overreaching or making unrealistic promises, TRIQ guides athletes toward competition success while prioritizing their well-being. To prevent injuries, TRIQ and Mario have built a unique load and recovery model that adjusts to cardiovascular and orthopedic stress, creating a holistic recovery strategy.

Is TRIQ for free?

For a limited time, TRIQ is currently free–even though we believe it already provides a better service than other apps. TRIQ combines smart training recommendations for three sports and intelligent health features in a groundbreaking new way, so we will have to charge for it accordingly, as providing this service is highly complex. We believe TRIQ is truly a new dimension of sports apps. However, it’s part of our philosophy to fully integrate certain additional key-features before turning our service into a paid one. While we do that, first movers can benefit from using TRIQ free of charge. Happy training to all of you who joined us so early.

What equipment is required to train with TRIQ?


- An iPhone or iPad with iOS 14 or later to display and use the TRIQ APP (we currently do not support Android but will soon)

- A GARMIN® sport devices (e.g smart watches)  and a GARMIN-Connect® account to record and sync training data

Optional (but highly recommended):

- Heart Rate Chest Strap: If available, TRIQ uses heart rate data from your training to better understand how your body meets and reacts to training demands. Where possible, your HRV data is analyzed to optimize your upcoming training and more accurately assess you aerobic and anaerobic thresholds. We recommend the state of the art chest strap H10 from Polar® as it’s very accurate and helps us build a better product for you.

- Power Meter: If available, TRIQ will display cycling workouts in watts and use power output from cycling sessions to accurately analyze the intensity of your bike workout. Without power data, our analyzation is forced to include multiple less accurate assumptions.

When will TRIQ be available for Android?

There is no exact timeline for this at the moment, but of course we plan to make TRIQ available on Android and add other wearables beyond GARMIN® as soon as possible. Our team is still small and the complexity of our app makes it challenging to add these features quickly. We hope you understand and remain patient with us. We are learning a lot from our Apple users currently and will keep you updated regarding news about Android. As soon as all features are active we are optimistic about adding Android quickly. We will keep you updated about this and new wearables via our newsletter.

What is TRIQ’s going forward plan integrating 3rd party players?

At TRIQ, our first plan is to integrate additional sports recording partners such as POLAR® or SUUNTO® to enable training and recording of our recommended workouts. Integration of peripheral training tools (e.g. roller trainers, power meters, chest straps for heart rate monitoring, etc.) will primarily be facilitated through the training recording partners, as the data protocols (e.g. BLT, BLE, ANT, ANT+, WLAN, etc.) to communicate with those products  are ensured by them.

For example, customers with a smart-bike-trainer can directly control the same, using smartwatches from e.g. GARMIN®, POLAR®, etc. TRIQ will primarily focus on syncing recommended workouts with the aforementioned partners (but not limited), allowing customers to set up their training infrastructure as they see fit.

As explained in the “Indoor Activity FAQ”, we must reiterate to all customers that activities not explicitly recorded with one of our certified data recording partners CANNOT be synchronized with us. This means that if an activity is recorded directly with the ZWIFT or WAHOO training platform, it cannot be synced with TRIQ even you can sync it with the certified partner (e.g. GARMIN®). Instead, users must set up their training infrastructure in such a way, that the activity is recorded directly with the certified partner.

Do I get a an optimal running or biking plan if I block the other sport modalities in the availability settings?

Currently, this is not possible. In theory, you could task TRIQ with this request, and it would generate a training schedule for you. However, it's important to note that the training philosophy and associated parameters used in the algorithm's calculations are tailored for triathlon training. Consequently, you would receive a run or bike training schedule that adheres to triathlon principles, which does not align with plans optimized for the individual sports.

Additionally, you would be paying for a triathlon plan, yet receiving a plan for a single sport, which might not be very practical. However, ultimately, it's up to you, if you want to request a plan the algorithm was not specifically developed for.

Nonetheless, we plan to fulfill this customer request for Duathlon and Singleton training in the future, as our technology is technically able to do it, once we set it up accordingly. We'll keep you updated on this matter.

Why are activities other than swim, bike and run (recorded with a GARMIN® device) not visible within TRIQ?

While every type of activity recorded with a GARMIN® device is accessible for us, we currently do not display them—yet. We are a small  company, and our resources are limited. However, this feature, is at the top of our to-do list and will be added as soon as possible. Due to our unique recovery concept, we will be able to integrate certain complementary sports to triathlon into our analytics process and incorporate follow-up decisions based on their impact on fatigue. Until then, we ask for your patience.

It has to be said, that TRIQ currently has no intentions of actively scheduling triathlon training that includes complementary sports. However, in the future complementary sports can be taken into account, as mentioned above.

Why are executed workouts recorded with my GARMIN® device (smartwatch or bike computer, etc.) not synced with TRIQ?

If automatic uploading on the fitness device is enabled, the device activates the Wi-Fi search as soon as new data needs to be uploaded. If the device doesn't find a Wi-Fi signal, it will activate the Wi-Fi search every five minutes for up to an hour to look for a valid signal. The check is performed very quickly to minimize the impact on battery life. If a valid signal is not found within that hour, the new data will not be automatically uploaded, and manual synchronization must be performed to upload the new data.If you disable automatic uploading, Wi-Fi will only be used when a manual Wi-Fi synchronization is initiated.

We recommend you to enable push-notifications for GARMIN-Connect® APP on your iPhone so that you get informed about the successful upload of your workout on the GARMIN® server. This ensures that TRIQ will receive the workout data seamlessly.

Why do I only get a small number of swim workouts?

Swimming has the least favorable effort/return ratio among the three triathlon disciplines because getting to a pool and beginning training uses up a significant portion of your time. Therefore, the TRIQ engine has been programmed to focus on setting meaningful swimming training sessions instead of many small swim workouts. This can result in only one swimming session per week. Only with increasing swim volume more than one weekly swim session will be scheduled.

What is better: Swimming by pace intstructions or by descriptive instructions?

In principle, everyone is free to choose the training unit they set. However, TRIQ and the coaching team at sisu-training recommend the descriptive pace option (slow / medium / fast / full speed). The rationale behind this is that, over time, one develops a strong sense of swimming speed, enabling better control of pacing, without checking your watch in between. Additionally, depending on the nature of the training program, you may enter the swim session already fatigued, and you might not achieve the swim times you typically do, even though the effort feels equally challenging. In such cases, it's crucial to rely on your perception and adjust the intensity accordingly, without being discouraged by swimming a few seconds slower. The most important aspect is to maintain proper swimming technique and not adopt an incorrect style due to fatigue.

Why do I get an unbalanced sport split?

Our training plans are designed to align with your specified race goals and are based on scientific principles. If you initially indicate a strong background in cycling but limited experience in running and swimming, the TRIQ app may initially suggest a bike-heavy focus. However, we don't decrease the emphasis on any sport. Instead, we work to progressively balance the training by gradually increasing the  the other sports. This approach ensures a thoughtful and scientifically sound sport split based on your individual strengths and goals, without neglecting any discipline.

Why are Strength & Condition (S+C) workouts not synced with GARMIN®?

Our Strength & Conditioning recommendations include detailed textual and video materials that cannot be transferred to your GARMIN® device due to technical limitations. However, the primary objective remains executing these workouts to enhance your body's stability and strength, thereby boosting your endurance performance. It's important to note that the focus is not on measuring physiological performance during these sessions. Consequently, we've determined that the most effective approach is to confine these exercises solely within the TRIQ environment, without any exchange of information with GARMIN® devices, as it is not needed.

Why are workouts recorded with ZWIFT or any other 3rd party platform NOT SYNCED with TRIQ but synced with GARMIN®?

We apologize if this situation causes you any inconvenience, but unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it. GARMIN® only shares data with external companies, such as TRIQ, that they have recorded themselves and does not act as a data intermediary between two external firms. Our assumption is that GARMIN® aims to ensure the data quality they stand for by limiting the sharing of recorded data not done by themselves.

For all smart trainer owners, it is anyway essential to wear and use the watch even during indoor cycling sessions, as the GARMIN® Smart Watch controls the smart trainer. This ensures that the suggested workout can be accurately executed.Unfortunately we do not support any kind of training data syncing between TRIQ and a 3rd party indoor sports platform. Workouts can be only synced with GARMIN® for now and in the future with other smart watch producers (e.g. POLAR, SUUNTO, etc.).

HOW and WHY should you activate HRV logging on your Garmin® device?

So that we can make full use of your data and to being  able to provide YOU full service with upcoming features related to HRV (Heart Rate Variability) we recommend and ask you to enable HRV-logging on your Garmin® device. Even though Garmin® introduced the HRV logging functionality on their watches many months ago, they do not automatically enable it. Users must activate this mode by themselves!

TRIQ is currently in the process of developing a method to determine your performance thresholds only based on your training data and cardiovascular parameters. By logging HRV data, exhausting performance tests might belong in the past and continuous performance development  would be possible. To make our service fundamentally sound, we need as much data as possible from our users to run several pre-tests before releasing the feature.

So please go ahead and enable HRV logging on your watch as described below and make you one of the first users that can make use of it once the service is released.

How to enable HRV logging on your Garmin® device:

1. Open the setting menu on your device.
2. Go to physiological metrics in the menu.
3. Go to the Log HRV functionality and enable it.

(If this guide is not applicable for your device please look up the required steps in your device user manual.)

From now on, your HRV data will be logged during activities.

Be aware that HRV data only can be measured if you are wearing a chest strap instead using the optical sensor on your watch. The optical sensor integrated in your Garmin® watch is prone to too much movement during training and therefore inadequate for HRV measuring during activities.

On top - if your chest strap has Bluetooth capabilities then please use this recording protocol as the data exchange is much more stable due to a larger bandwidth. Being connected with ANT+ protocol, is prone to much more artefacts and this will lead to more inaccurate results.